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Meeting in Dublin

Kick off

Urban Sport and Culture Volunteers project partners met up on their first transnational project meeting held in Dublin on February 28th.

Our hosts Champions Factory Limited Ireland greeted representatives from other partner organizations and we finally got the chance to resolve any pending questions regarding the project programme.

We discussed all relevant activities foreseen by the project and management tools needed for its implementation. All partners participated in a dynamic conversation, gave advices and shared their experiences in order to both facilitate the administrative procedures and improve project management issues.

Not to skip, once the formal part of the meeting was done we enjoyed each others company while visiting Champions Factory partner NGO's sports facilities. We are all excited to be part of this Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnership project.

Pannonian is looking forward to 3 years ahead to work with our amazing partners; Croatian Olympic Committee, Champions Factory, Extreme Style, Funattack Wojciech Tandeck, Elamussport MTÜ and Foton Association.


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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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